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Your content is one of the main building blocks of your website. Whether that be your blog, introduction page, or about section; you want your content to be compelling and relevant. Why? Because your content is what will bring people to your website and what will bring them closer to a sale.  It is also the main factor in SEO and search engine ranking. If your content is poor, your rank will be low too because of bounce rates and often such determinants. So instead of sliding back on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) ensure your content is top-notch.

5 Ways to Produce Content Your Customers Will Pay Attention To

1. Know Your Audience

This step may seem obvious, but to create material your customers/clients are going to care about, you first have to know who they are. So, before you create a content plan, work up a profile of your ideal customer. Not sure how? Check out our guide here. Knowing your audience will help you with the following tips too.

2. Create Titles That Captivate

Now that you know what your customers care about, you must pique their interest. This starts with your title. The key to a captivating headline is to make a promise. For example, the title for this very article, “5 Ways to Create Content Your Customers Care About”, promises to give you information on this topic. After you’ve figured out what you’re going to give your customer through content, how are you going to make it enticing? Why do they need to click through to? Use active, bold, and clear words that make an impact. You don’t want to leave it as an open choice, make your content a necessity for their success.

3. Have Useful Content

Once your prospect has landed on your content page, you want them to stay. The trick to keeping clients’ interest is to be interesting. More than that, you have to provide useful information in a variety of forms. The best way to deliver valuable information is to do thorough research into what is interesting to your target audience. Stay up-to-date on trends, and the latest data and news. Doing so will help you stay relevant and current in your content. Constantly keep your customer in mind while crafting your material.

4. Provide a Variety of Visuals

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video must be double that. In today’s content crazed world, it’s more difficult than ever to stand out and keep people’s attention. One way to keep ahold of visitors’ attention is by having a variety of visuals. Break up heavy blocks of text with images, videos, and animations. Just remember to make sure your visuals are relevant and high-quality.

5. Use Emotions

When a visitor reads your content, what should they do? In order to act, one must first feel emotion. Whether you make them feel happy, accomplished, focused or something else, it’s important to make an emotional connection. Regardless of the specific emotion, it’s important that your content makes them stop, think and feel. By making this emotional connection, you are in turn, creating a loyal customer who will come to you for information.

Writing a blog can be a slog or other content for that matter. Strategis Consulting would love to help you with your creation, including email marketing, contact us today

Allemande After earning her degree at Simon Fraser University for New Media Journalism and Editing, Allemande has become an accomplished writer and editor. She is also certified in strategic social media marketing, Google Ads, Google Analytics, and digital sales.

Allemande fluently identifies the channel and content mix that is precisely right for your business and audience. She conducts in-depth analytics for continuous improvement in your audience engagement and generation of sales leads through strategic planning and search engine optimization (SEO), establishes KPIs and related metrics and prepares meaningful reports that you can quickly action. Connect with Allemande.