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By Joshua Snape, | 2/27/2018 9:06 AM

What is copywriting? Copywriting is basically sales-speak in print and it is one of the most important business skills that you can possess. Of course, by “print” we mean paper and ink along with web pages, social media posts, and video and podcast scripts.

5 Tips to Writing Marketing Copy that Converts Readers into Customers

1 – Pain, Consequence, Solution, Action

The framework and structure of each piece of copywriting should follow this basic pattern. Begin by trying to describe your reader’s problem or pain-point in terms that he or she would use. Copywriter Robert Collier put it this way, “join the conversation that is already taking place in the reader’s mind.” This requires empathy; you need to really feel your reader’s pain and this sincerity will come out in your copy.

Next show your reader that the fears they have are legitimate ones. In a sense, you have to bring to life the negative consequences of ignoring the problem and doing nothing. Try to help them to clearly see the cost of idleness in terms of dollars and cents, or other tangible negative consequences.

Once you have done that then you can paint a picture of the positive impact of solving this problem with the help of your product or service. This involves telling a story, preferably a story of how you successfully solved a similar problem. Case studies are a perfect example of this kind of reassuring and factual storytelling.

In addition, you should add testimonials, unbiased third-party content, that verifies your ability to do what you say you will do for your customer. Then it is time to describe your offer and let your audience know exactly what it is that they will receive with their purchase.

Finally, there is the call to action; there is no need to be shy about this. Your copy should confidently explain what the reader needs to do in order to complete the purchase.

2 – The Headline

Many times, great content is lost because of a poor headline.

To fulfill its purpose effectively your headline must immediately arrest attention and promise something to your reader that will stop them in their tracks and stir curiosity.

Your headline should be concerned with one main objective, that of convincing your audience to read on. It should accomplish this without being misleading as to what is to follow. The headline should, in a nutshell, convey the benefit of what will follow.

3 – The Hook

A hook is the first sentence after your great headline that entices your audience to keep reading.

The time that you invest in creating an enticing hook will likely be the difference between content that gets read and content that gets swallowed up by the torrent of information out there in cyberspace.

One way to hook your audience is, to begin with, a thought-provoking question. The less predictable the better; a question that is outside the box can give your readers pause and encourage them to keep on reading.

Another way to do this is to tell the reader what they are going to get. The transparency of letting readers know at the outset how they are going to benefit by reading your copy will likely be rewarded by the copy being read to the end.

4 –The Close

At some point in your communication with your audience, you will ask for the sale. How can this be done effectively?

Your task here is to take them to the point of a decision. Don’t worry too much about whether or not the decision is yes or no, as you will never make 100% of the sales you ask for. The key is to take them out of the indecision zone.

Believe it or not, copywriting in this regard is the same as face-to-face sales, that inborn fear of rejection can prevent you from asking for a yes or no decision.

Simply and briefly recall the logic that you have used earlier to persuade the reader to purchase your offer and then invite them to make the purchase.

A big “buy now” button may not be subtle, yet it is the clear call-to-action that is required and that clarity gets the best results.

5 – Make Your Copy Natural and Interesting

Write naturally and conversationally without too much technical jargon.

Try to write as your consumer thinks, but without compromising the personality and tone of your brand.

To learn how your audience communicates, check out online forums where they gather. Talk with your prospects and ask questions, find out what their pain-points are and how they describe them.

Listen to the way they describe what they need and reflect that in your copy. Whatever you do don’t bore the reader with dry copy!

Take email copy for example, the average email subscriber receives 100’s of emails per month, and according to, 42% of US online adults delete most email advertising without reading it. If email is still a major source of your marketing outreach, then clearly you need to get creative in order to make your correspondence stand out.

For your copy to feel conversational and to create a connection with the readers right away it cannot be overly formal. This is a problem that many copywriters struggle to overcome. Your goal should be to make readers feel special as if they are receiving your exclusive attention in a real conversation; a conversation that bridges the gap between the current painful reality and the resolution of your readers.

With these 5 tips writing great copy that sells should come easier to you! However, the best way to ensure efficient and effective copy is to enlist the assistance of a marketing team that specializes in copywriting. All you have to do is contact us today.

Josh SnapeJoshua is an accomplished writer, blogger and marketing consultant. His successful track record includes sales and marketing across four continents—Europe, N. America, the Middle East and Africa. Josh is also a successful entrepreneur and established his own marketing consultancy in Cyprus, which serviced clients throughout the Middle East.  He now enjoys living and working in Vancouver for part of the year, and spends the rest of his time in the Turkish Riviera working remotely to assist clients communicate effectively in a wired world.  Connect with Josh at: